After the success of the popular superhero series Kidlat, Derek Ramsay returns to primetime with his most challenging role to date in the action-packed drama, Undercover. TV5’s newest “aksyon-serye” tells the story of Roy (Ramsay), a criminal investigator whose life was ruined after being held captive for six agonizing years. Driven by the desire to seek justice and vengeance, Roy sets up a team of undercover vigilantes to hunt down his captors while putting enemies of the law behind bars. With a compelling dramatic story and non-stop action sequences, Undercover promises to give the audience a fresh alternative on primetime television programming. The impressive cast also include Wendell Ramos, Arci Muñoz, Joross Gamboa, Gerard Acao, Evangeline Pascual, Jasmine Curtis-Smith, and Philip Salvador.
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